Information about Windows Wallpaper ....


No doubt you have seen this wallpaper at least once you have worked with windows 10 operating system, because this wallpaper is the default wallpaper with windows 10 operating system. It is also the most used wallpaper in recent history. At first glance, this may seem like computer-generated graphics processing, but it is physically artificial and can be photographed with the help of a standard camera. Named "windows 10 Hero", the wallpaper was created in a studio in San Francisco, USA.

You'd be surprised to learn that the photo team under director Bradley G spent about two months creating this wallpaper. Following the technique of the type and the squares in the middle they made of transparent metal and first mounted it in a frame.

They then sent light beams and laser beams through the metal boxes to blackout the surroundings, capturing smoke and dust, and using high-tech techniques such as camera mapping. It is said that it was used for this. What actually happened there was the physical creation of the windows 10 Hero wallpaper that we see.


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